BRIGANTINE, NJ — A beach has reopened after a bomb threat in Brigantine, according to police. Evacuations were underway at Cove beach.

One outlet reported the threat came in the form of a note with one of the permit checkers. “When they came into work there was a note there and it said there was a bomb on the beach,” Mayor Andy Simpson told the Press of Atlantic City.

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The Press reported Simpson as estimating between 500 to 1,000 people could have been on the beach at the time of the evacuation, as the island allows for up to 300 to 400 vehicles at a time.

Twitter user @PhotogLori, a photographer with, tweeted around 11 a.m. that officials on the scene confirmed there was a bomb threat.

Twitter user @DeniseNakanoTV tweeted a video showing a line of cars evacuating.



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