
PORTLAND, OR – Take a good look at the baby in the picture. He’sGreyson Beseau, he’s five-months-old, lives in Portland and some grinches tried to steal his first Christmas. Greyson’s mom, Bonnie, had spent the day running errands and doing holiday shopping.

At the end of the day, she stopped at the Red Robbin at Mall 205 to grab some takeout dinner. She was inside for maybe 10 minutes..

That was all that thieves needed. When she came back, her car, a silver 1998 Subaru Legacy had been stolen.

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It wasn’t so much the car being stolen as what was inside it, including several ounces of recently pumped breast milk, her breast pump, a baby bathtub, and utensils like forks, bottles, spoons, and bowls for Greyson.

The breast pump wasn’t just an average off-the-shelf item; it was a $3,000 medical grade breast pump.

Friends have taken to GoFundMe to set up a page to raise money for Bonnie whom they describe as “one of the most caring, selfless, and amazing people in the entire world.

The friend who set up the page writes that “I totally understand that everyone isn’t in the position to donate money so please don’t feel pressured or obligated to.

“We are also accepting donations for gently used baby toys. clothes, or gift cards that you aren’t planning on using.”

In three days, 42 people have donated $,795. They are looking to raise $5,000 (remember, her car was stolen).

Several people are donating because of the spirit of the time.

“I donated because’s Christmas,” one woman wrote.

Another one added, “I would like to help the family to have a great first Christmas with their sweet baby.”

Bonnie says the outpouring has helped her more than she could have hoped.

“From the bottom of my families heart I can’t thank all of you enough,” she wrote.

“After something so devastating I didn’t think I would recover emotionally and all the support from everyone has truly given my family a Christmas miracle. Thank you!”

On the fundraising page, they list what was stolen:

Photo via GoFundMe, a Patch partner.

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