Impact Wrestling Slammiversary 2019
Aired live on pay-per-view and on FITE.TV
Dallas, Texas at Gilley’s
Results by: Jason Powell,
A video package opened the show and the James Earl Jones wannabe guy spoke of the new era and how it will be a night remembered. A voice could be heard pumping up the crowd and encouraging them to cheer, then Josh Mathews welcomed viewers to the show. Mathews was joined by Don Callis on commentary…
1. TJP vs. Trey Miguel vs. Jake Crist vs. Willie Mack in a four-way. Mathews noted that the match was announced earlier in the day via Instagram. Callis said all four men started wrestling well before they turned 18 and had been in the business a long time. Mack performed a standing moonsault on TJP, but Crist broke up the pin a couple minutes into the match. Fas taunted Crist with “you suck” chants.
Miguel had a cool spot where he did a Matrix duck under a clothesline from Crist, then swung around using the ropes to kick him on the floor. Miguel followed up with a springboard dive onto all three opponents on the floor at 5:10.
A short time later, TJP performed a surfboard on Miguel. Crist snuck between the and covered TJP, but Mack performed a top rope double stomp onto Miguel to break it up in a really cool moment. In the end, Crist performed a top rope cutter on Miguel, then Mack performed a top rope frogsplash onto Crist and pinned him to win the match…
Willie Mack defeated Jake Crist, TJP, and Trey Miguel in a four-way in 10:00.
The broadcast team spoke at ringside and ran through the remainder of the pay-per-view lineup. They set up footage of “The North” Ethan Page and Josh Alexander defeating LAX to win the Impact Tag Titles at Friday’s Bash at the Brewery event. Page hit Santana with a belt from the floor, which led to Alexander pinning Santana…
Melissa Santos interviewed Page and Alexander backstage. Alexander took issue with her labeling their title win as a surprise and took the mic from her. Page said it wasn’t a surprise. He said they told everyone they were the best tag team and would become the tag champions. Page said Alexander would tell everyone how the match would start and end. Alexander told the fans that they are looking at the Impact Tag Champions. Page told Santos not to let that surprise her…
2. “The North” Ethan Page and Josh Alexander vs. “LAX” Santana and Ortiz (w/Konnan) vs. “The Rascalz” Dez and Wentz in a three-way for the Impact Wrestling Tag Titles. Mathews noted that Konnan was back and that’s good news for LAX because they’ve struggled without him. LAX performed a wild double team move on Dez that concluded with a backbreaker. Santana caught Dez with a stunner a short time later, but Wentz immediately superkicked Santana.
The North entered the ring. Alexander put Wentz in an ankle lock while Page tried to keep the opponents away. Dez eventually worked over both men. Page tossed Wentz from the ropes onto an LAX cover to break up a pin. At 4:15, Alexander performed a moonsault while holding onto and then landing on Wentz in a wild spot. Santana went up top. Alexander shoved him onto the stage, which is equal level to the ring. Santana came up holding one of his legs and cussing. Konnan told the broadcast team that Santana needed medical attention.
Dr. Ariel, who has been featured in television angles lately, checked on Santana at ringside. In the ring, Ortiz was left to fend for himself and both teams tried to exploit it. The North cleared Dez and Wentz, then hit their finisher on Ortiz for the win…
The North defeated LAX and The Rascalz in 7:20 to retain the Impact Wrestling Tag Titles.
After the match, Konnan, Ortiz, Dez, and Wentz huddled around Santana, who didn’t want to be stretchered to the back. Ortiz and Dez helped Santana to the back…
A pre-taped Sami Callihan promo aired. He vented about the internet, but said they helped create all the buzz and now he and Tessa Blanchard will headline the pay-per-view. Callihan said it will be the first time than an intergender match will headline a pay-per-view in the United States. Callihan said it’s because he’s the draw…
A video package set up the first blood match…
3. Killer Kross vs. Eddie Edwards in a first blood match. Kross came out wearing mostly white face paint with his eye, nose, and mouth covered in black paint and he had a black X on his forehead. Edwards brought his kendo stick to the ring and went right after Kross. The broadcast team played up the idea that even a chest being bloodied by chops could end the match. Mathews noted that the referee was wearing gloves. At 1:20, Kross picked up Edwards at ringside and slammed him back first onto the apron. There was a justifiable “holy shit” chant.
In the ring, Edwards performed a suplex on Kross, who no-sold it by standing right up. Edwards sent Kross to ringside and then went for a running dive. Kross threw a chair at the head of Edwards (it looked like Edwards at least tried to get his hands up). Kross performed a gut wrench suplex from the apron onto some chairs on the floor. Kross picked up a chair and swung it at Edwards, who avoided it twice. Edwards threw a chair at Kross. Callis pointed out that Kross put his hands up or the chair could have opened a cut. Kross tried to hide his face from the referee, but he was not cut.
At 5:30, Edwards performed a clunky blue thunder bomb and then worked over Kross with punches. Kross got back to his feet and booted Edwards’s face. Kross tossed Edwards into the corner, then taunted him by asking him where his stick was. Mathews noted that “Kenny” the kendo stick is the best friend of Edwards. Kross seated Edwards on the top rope facing away from the ring. Kross went up behind Edwards, who fought him and got down, then kicked Kross, who crotched himself on the top rope. Edwards went up top and knocked Kross off the ropes with a Boston Knee Party at 8:25.
Edwards went to ringside and found his kendo stick. Edwards tried to hit Kross, who ducked it and applied a submission hold. They tumbled to ringside. Kross reapplied the hold briefly, but Edwards escaped and performed a tiger driver on the mats at ringside. Back inside the ring, Edwards performed a Boston Knee Party. Edwards picked up the kendo stick and broke it over his knee. Edwards used the edge of one half of the kendo stick to jab it into the face of Kross, who bled to end the match. Kross had blood on his face and in his mouth afterward…
Eddie Edwards defeated Killer Kross in 11:30 in a first blood match.
Rolando Melendez tried to interview Tessa Blanchard as she arrived. Blanchard slammed him against the wall and walked away…
Melissa Santos interviewed Rob Van Dam, who praised Moose for calling him out rather than schmoozing with the writers backstage (huh?). RVD said Moose is old school and that’s cool. He said Moose made the match happen and he probably has a great future if he gets past this situation. RVD said he intends to show Moose the consequences of his actions. RVD said he sees Moose as a bully and he has a certain place in his heart for bullies. RVD said he plans to live up to the monicker of Mr. Pay Per View… A video package set up RVD vs. Moose…
4. Rob Van Dam vs. Moose. Moose took a cheap shot at Van Dam to start the match. RVD came right back and went for Rolling Thunder, but Moose rolled to ringside. RVD regrouped and performed a flip dive over the top rope. Van Dam posed while the fans chanted his name, then turned into a boot to the face. Moose went for a powerbomb on the floor, but Dam countered into a huracanrana.
Moose had a long stretch of offense. RVD ended up backdropping Moose from the ring onto the stage. Back inside the ring, Van Dam performed a split-legged moonsault. Moose once again took advantage of RVD posing. Van Dam fought back and went to the second rope, but Moose dropkicked him. Moose performed his Go To Hell slam for a near fall at 9:20.
RVD and Moose traded punches and kicks in the ring. Moose caught Van Dam with a DDT. Moose went up top and went for a frogsplash, but Van Dam rolled out of the way to avoid his own finishing move. Van Dam performed a DDT for a two count. Moose pulled the referee in front of him to keep Van Dam away. Van Dam moved the referee and then Moose low blowed Van Dam.
Moose went to ringside and pulled a chair out from underneath the ring. The referee stopped Moose from using the chair until Moose shoved him away. Van Dam performed a Van Daminator kick and covered Moose, who put his foot on the bottom rope. Van Dam performed a drop toehold onto the chair, then followed up with a frogsplash, but Moose moved and RVD crashed onto the chair. Moose speared Van Dam and pinned him…
Moose defeated Rob Van Dam in 13:50.
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