WWE Hall Of Famer Kurt Angle recently took part in another Q&A on his official Facebook page. Featured below are some of the highlights.

On reason why WWE hasn’t used Braun Strowman’s Greatest Royal Rumble Title since he won it: “I don’t know. But I’m sure they will when we return to Saudi Arabia this year.”

On his favorite place to wrestle: “Madison Square Garden. It’s WWE’s official home. Love the atmosphere.”

On if he thinks Drake Maverick will soon be involved in in-ring competition: “I hope so. I saw him compete in [Impact Wrestling], he’s very talented.”

On his favorite WWE Championship victory: “Either beating The Rock in 2000 or beating ‘Stone Cold’ [Steve Austin] in 2001. I was literally watching them on TV in 1998. I never dreamed that I would sign with WWE a year later, and a year after that I stepped foot in the ring against The Rock and became WWE World Champion. It happened so quickly.”

Check out more from Kurt Angle’s latest Q&A at his official Facebook page.

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