Billy Corgan recently appeared as a guest on Busted Open Radio for a pro wrestling interview. Featured below are some of the highlights.

On not getting the heat that Roman Reigns gets and seeing his potential based on his look as a starting point: “I like watching Roman Reigns, I mean I don’t get the heat on that. To me he’s a classic A-level — look at the guy. He looks good on a poster, I mean start there. It’s like five years ago all the heat was on Cena or whatever.

“It’s that same kind of weird heat. Like we’re going to pick one guy that we’re gonna bang up on because he’s either too good looking or he’s… you know what I mean? I just don’t get that.”

On the depth of WWE’s talent roster: “It’s mindboggling the level of talent that’s out there. My argument would be and maybe this is a better way to attack the question, I see a lot of wasted talent [in WWE]. Like, talent not being booked properly.

“So that’s maybe the bigger argument and Roman is that maybe people are arguing that they’re not booking his talent, but you have to start by acknowledging that he’s a talent to complain about the way he’s being booked which is kind of weird. It was always the thing against Cena, right?”

Check out more from the Billy Corgan interview at



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