As noted, NXT has been running house shows overseas this week, with stops in Paris, France and Antwerp, Belgium. Featured below, courtesy of Robbert Goey and, are complete results from the show.

Antwerp, Belgium

Heavy Machinery defeated Marcel Barthel & Fabian Aichner

This was a nice opener to get the crowd going. Barthel was doing a good job playing the crowd by talking in German. The Belgians/Dutch understand the German language pretty well, so the interaction between him and the crowd kept going almost the entire match.

Wolfgang defeated Steve Cutler (w/ Wesley Blake)

They had a pretty basic match. Cutler mostly tried to use holds on Wolfgang, but Wolfgang overpowered him with ease.

Candice LeRae & Dakota Kai defeated Lacey Evans & Bianca Belair

Kai got the pin on Evans after hitting her sunset flip backstabber finisher. It was a decent tag match, with Evans and Belair dominating LeRae for most of it. Kai used all of her signature kicks after getting the hot tag.

Kyle O’Reilly & Roderick Strong Promo

An interview with Kyle O’Reilly and Roderick Strong played on the video screen, with them getting booed for trashing the Belgian soccer team ahead of the World Cup. Nikki Cross then crashed the interview and announced her vs. Shayna Baszler for the NXT Women’s Championship.

NXT North American Champion Adam Cole defeated Zack Gibson to retain his title

A pretty good match and the longest one so far. Cole is so over — his name (including the “Bay-Bay”) got chanted almost the entire match. You could see Cole loved it. This guy has so much charisma, he’s bound to be one of the top guys in WWE. He almost put up the Too Sweet gesture as well.

Gibson worked the left arm of Cole during most of the match and had some nice suplexes. Cole sold the arm nicely. Cole also had some good offense, hitting his signature fireman’s carry neckbreaker twice on Gibson and winning with the Shining Wizard

NXT Tag Team Champions Kyle O’Reilly & Roderick Strong defeated Oney Lorcan & Danny Burch to retain their titles

Undisputed Era retained after a double-team leg sweep by O’Reilly and clothesline from Strong. It was a pretty good tag team match and was given a fair amount of time.

Even though the Undisputed Era were the heels, they were still over as faces. Strong and O’Reilly worked on one of their opponents until the hot tag. Lots of great moves were done and they picked up the pace until the finish. After the champions left, Lorcan and Burch still got some applause.

NXT Women’s Champion Shayna Baszler defeated Nikki Cross to retain her title

Baszler won by submission. This was an okay, short match. Cross was over as a face and got some offense in, but a few knees from Baszler and the Kirifuda Clutch made Cross tap out after a minute or longer in the move. The finish was unfortunately a bit underwhelming due to random “Let’s go Cena/Cena sucks” chants being done by the crowd.

NXT Champion Aleister Black, WWE United Kingdom Champion Pete Dunne & Johnny Gargano defeated Lars Sullivan, Velveteen Dream & Tommaso Ciampa

Gargano submitted Ciampa with the Gargano Escape for the finish. This was an odd pairing since they were all advertised for singles matches until Ricochet not wrestling changed the card. The crowd was expecting those and hated the six-man tag idea at first, but with the names in the match, this couldn’t be messed up.

They had a good long main event where everybody got plenty of offense — even a table was used. Dream and Gargano had the most time in the ring, but everyone showed some great moves. There were lots of chants for the faces and for Dream. Ciampa was booed a lot. They actually teased not doing Ciampa vs. Gargano for five-10 minutes until Ciampa tagged himself in when Gargano was down.

The finish was Sullivan going through the table after a Black Mass, Dream getting superkicked by Dunne and Gargano, and then Gargano submitting Ciampa.

Black talked a bit to the crowd in Dutch after the match, telling us we are NXT and asking if they should come back next year. The show ended after some post-match celebration.

  • PHOTO: Samoa Joe Changes His Look This Week!

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