NXT Superstar Ricochet recently spoke with local news outlet WPSD 6, from his own hometown, for an interview. Featured below are some of the highlights.
On getting his start in the wrestling business: “I was having more fun doing wrestling than I was going to school, since I can remember I always watched it. … I quit the football team to start wrestling and at first my Dad was like, ‘I don’t think it’s a good idea, I don’t like it. It’s not a good idea.'”
On signing with WWE: “I never thought I would be here, the fact that I am is insane. I always say nothing is certain until it’s certain. That’s just always the way I looked at it. … It didn’t really hit me until I had the [WWE] contract and I was at the post office. I thought, ‘Oh man, when I send this off, that’s it. You know what I mean?'”
On wanting to be billed from his actual hometown during his WWE ring introduction: “They all poke fun at me like, ‘Where’s Paducah from? Where’s Paducah? You should be from Louisville, because Paducah doesn’t sound cool.’ I’m like, ‘Aw no, Paducah’s cool, man!’ I like the fact they say I’m from Paducah, Kentucky because home is where it all started.”
Check out the complete Ricochet interview at WPSDLocal6.com.
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