WWE Hall Of Famer and RAW General Manager Kurt Angle recently spoke with USA Today’s “For The Win” blog to promote this week’s WWE Superstar Shakeup. Featured below are some of the highlights from the interview.

On Bobby Lashley returning to WWE and wanting to see Lashley vs. Brock Lesnar: “That surprised me. I literally didn’t even know about him discussing anything with the company. Bobby was a guy that was overlooked years back. He came into his own at Impact Wrestling. He proved that he’s an incredible sports entertainer, but Bobby was also, you know… he always wanted to be a pro wrestler. He wanted to be a sports entertainer. He didn’t necessarily want to be a fighter, but he had to fight to make some great money. So he did what he had to do to provide for his family by being in Bellator. Not that he didn’t enjoy it, but he had more of a love for sports entertainment than he did MMA. I’m glad he’s on Raw. I wrestled him many times – I beat him for the world title, he beat me. We had some great matches, and I know he’s capable of doing it. I think one of the matches I’d really be intrigued to see is him versus Brock.”

On the only setback in his WrestleMania 34 match: “The only setback was, again, because of my overtraining, I pulled a muscle in my quad just like I did before Survivor Series. I was more concerned about that than the match itself. I didn’t want to disappoint anyone. When I was training a couple of days prior, I couldn’t push off of my one leg. And I was like ‘oh God, not again.’

“Survivor Series was a big let-down for me because I couldn’t really do much. At WrestleMania, I got through the match. I’m not going to say it was my best performance, but I got through the match and I did what I had to do to make sure the match was as good as it was. So I can’t complain. I’m going to start training smarter instead of overtraining and trying to get ready for the Olympics. That’s just who I am. My intensity, I have to step back on it. I have to remember I’m 49 years old, I act like I’m 25.”

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Check out the complete Kurt Angle interview at USAToday.com.

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