Welcome, boys and girls, to RUMBLE season.

With probably the funnest night in WWE coming up fast, I think it’s time to have ourselves one helluva good time gambling on it like the dirty scoundrels we are. So with that in mind it’s time to launch a predictions contest that, for the first time in Rajah history (probably not) has an actual prize!

The 1st place winner of this competition will win either a 3 month subscription to WWE Network or NJPW World, depending on their preference! 2nd place will be offered whichever one the 1st place winner didn’t pick as well, so even if you don’t win, there’s still a prize to take and some money to save. So if you’ve ever wanted to try out New Japan, or have been on the fence about the Network, or just want to save $30 from something you already pay for, this is the contest for you.

So here are the rules. In order to participate, you have to send me an email to [email protected], or join the Rajah Forums and send me a private message, with the following things filled in:

Your Name:

Men’s Royal Rumble

Runner Up:
Final Four:
Surprise Entrant:

Women’s Royal Rumble

Runner Up:
Final Four:
Surprise Entrant:

Click Here: New Zealand rugby store

Bear in mind that you need to do this for BOTH Royal Rumbles, as there are actually 2 of these damn things this year.

Whoever gets the most answers correct will win the prize! Any ties will be dealt with by a random name drawing.

So come on, you vice loving fucks. Let’s do this thing.




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