— Click here for a behind the scenes look at Warrior, a new film Kurt Angle is working on. There is also a two-minute interview with Angle on the set of the movie. During the interview, he claims he’s looking to get out of wrestling and into movies full-time.

— As seen on this week’s episode of TNA iMPACT!, Jeff Jarrett was shown spending time with his children at his home in Hendersonville, Tennessee. Many viewers have pointed out that as Jarrett was driving his three daughters around, neither child was wearing a seat belt, including his eldest daughter sitting in the front seat. You can see the video at the following link.

— Click here for the official preview for next week’s episode of TNA Epics on Bravo in the United Kingdom. Matches scheduled to air include AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe vs. Christopher Daniels for the X Division Championship at the 2005 Unbreakable pay-per-view and the Four-Way Double Elimination match from June 26, 2002 to crown the first-ever X Division Champion (AJ Styles vs. Low Ki vs. Jerry Lynn vs. Psicosis).

TNA Knockouts undergo surgical procedures – find out which three! (>>)



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