— WWE announced over the weekend on their syndicated “Experience” show that Stephanie McMahon will be returning to RAW as a regular character starting tonight.
— Steve Doll, best known to WWE fans as “Steven Dunn” of the early 90s tag team “Well Dunn”, passed away on Sunday. Doll had been on life support and his family made the decision to let him go, according to PWInsider.com. He had been ill since 2006 and was 44 years old.
— John Cena has been very critical of Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson for turning his back on the wrestling industry. As recent as last week on Jimmy Kimmel Live, Cena implied Johnson was insincere when he stated he’d always remember the fans that made him a superstar. This weekend, the two men will be part of the same awards show. Dwayne Johnson hosts the Nickelodeon Kid’s Choice Awards on Saturday night. As part of the promotional push for his new movie “12 Rounds,” John Cena will be a presenter at the show.
** VIDEO of BOBBY LASHLEY’s MMA Fight From Saturday Night – DID HE WIN?!
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