— Maryse reportedly broke her nose during her match on last week’s SmackDown after taking a bad landing from Maria’s bulldog maneuver. WWE.com wrote, “Maryse’s night only got worse when ski bunny Maria landed a brutal bulldog on the blond, breaking her nose. (Fear not, Maryse fans, the injury won’t sideline the Diva.) Could this be sweet karma returning to haunt Maryse for kicking Cherry in the face a few weeks ago?” Maria added, “I accidentally … no, I intentionally broke Maryse’s nose. She definitely deserved it. Maryse was worthy of taking my bulldog.” Maryse wrestled at this past Saturday’s WWE SummerFest event at Venice Beach. She was not wearing a face mask.

— ECW backstage announcer Lena Yada recently participated in the City of Hope’s Underwear Affair charity run to raise money for cancer research in Los Angeles. Yada talked about her charity run in a blog post on her MySpace page, which you can read at this link. You can read an article and see photos of Lena at the event at this link.

— WWE.com has posted several new photos of Candice Michelle showing off her recent haircut. You can see the photos at this link. Candice should be returning to the ring soon.

See Candice & Lena in a bizarre photo at this link (>>)



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