Gool ‘ol Jim Ross is back with another blog entry. As always you can read the whole blog over at Here are the highlights:

– Candice Michelle dodged a major bullet Monday night when she took a nasty fall off the top turnbuckle and landed essentially on her head and shoulder resulting in a broken collar bone (clavicle). Collar bones usually heal in 6-8 weeks at which time the hard working Candice will most likely be back in the ring working hard to improve her game. Candice not sustaining a serious neck injury was a minor miracle.

– I have not heard any updates as I write this on the medical condition of Lex Luger, but I certainly hope he is improving.

– Where in the hell do the “Undertaker retirement” rumors come from?? We seem to get an inordinate amount of fan emails regarding this matter that is baseless. I could certainly see ‘Taker not wrestling as often as he once did, just like any one else with The Deadman’s ring time, but the words “retirement” have not been uttered by him in my many conversations with the future Hall of Famer over the past several months.

– Next week after Cyber Sunday and the Philly Monday Night Raw, which is always a fun night in the City of Brotherly Love, yours truly is heading down to Orlando to do some promotional work on Wrestlemania 24. Lots of great things are being planned but ‘Mania ‘08 and doing promotional work is something I enjoy doing so perhaps I will see some of you there as I know I have a public appearance with Lilian Garcia on the evening of October 30.




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