Paul “HHH” Levesque talked to the media after Sunday’s NXT TakeOver: Vengeance Day, discussing the signing of Eli Drake, the importance of coaching, and how impressed he is with MSK.

Full audio is available below, but here are some highlights:

Levesque said that as far as he knows, everyone came out of the show injury free.
On the signing of Eli Drake/LA Knight, Levesque said he was a fan of his when he was in the system the first time. The time was right for both sides to have him come back and it was a smooth process to get him back. “We’re going to run with it and see where we can go.”
He said despite a table spot going awry, Io Shirai, Mercedes Martinez and Toni Storm didn’t miss a beat in their match, saying the best performers are those who can ad lib and work through things on the fly. He also put over Shirai’s versatility inside and outside the ring.
Several times on the call, he said how impressed he and the coaches have been with MSK. He said they have taken every opportunity given to them thus far and knocked it out of the park.

To hear the entire 30 minute call, just click below.

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