For the first time ever, Kenny Omega and Andrade El Idolo will go one-on-one in the main event of AAA’s TripleMania XXIX Saturday in Mexico City, Mexico, in front of live fans.

While the two are AEW roster mates, they will be competing over Omega’s AAA Mega Championship in his first title defense since last year’s TripleMania when he defeated Laredo Kid. Omega has held the belt since October 2019.

Saturday’s event will also see Psycho Clown vs. Rey Escorpion in a mask vs. hair match.

The Lucha Bros return to defend their AAA Tag Team titles in a three-way against Hijo del Vikingo & Laredo Kid and Taurus & a mystery partner. Penta El Zero Miedo and Rey Fenix have held the titles since June 2019.

The rest of the seven-match card includes Deonna Purrazzo defending her Impact Knockouts title against Reina da Reinas Champion Faby Apache in a title vs. title match, a Team AAA vs. La Empresa trios bout, a Marvel lucha libre exhibition match and more.

Pimpinela and Mamba eliminated each other and there was a brawl at ringside for some reason. 

Our live coverage begins at 9 p.m. Eastern time.


Team Leyenda Americana vs. Team Terror Purpura in a Marvel Lucha Libre exhibition match  

Team Terror Purpura is formed by Picadura Letal, Venonoide (Black Taurus) and Terror Purpura (Brian Cage). Team Leyenda American is formed by Estrella Cosmica, Aracno and Leyenda Americana. 

Aracno ( Hijo Del Vikingo) came out to the ring in a similar fashion to Shawn Michaels in WM XII, but upside down.Meanwhile, Leyenda America (Octagon Jr.) came out to the ring riding a motorcycle.

Estrella Cosmica and Picadura Letal were the first ones to begin the match for their respective teams. Leyenda America and Aracno made double asai moonsaults on Venenoide and Terror Purpura. 

Team Terror Purpurs worked on Aracno for a while and prevented him from getting a tag, but after countering a power slam into a DDT, Aracno was able to tag Leyenda Americana. 

Leyenda America had victory on his hands thanks to a 450 spalash on Terror Purpura, but he kicked out at 2.9. 

When Terror Purpura wa sabout to use a Gotch Style Pilediriver on Leyenda Americana, El Furioso (Hulk) appeared and prevented anythign from happening. Furioso and Terror Pupura stared at each other for the rest of the match and allowing Team Leyenda American to win the match thanks to a 360 from Aracno to Venenoide. 

After the match, El Engañoso (Loki) appeared to warn Team Leyenda Americana that this is not over. 

Winners: Team Leyenda Americana. 

Copa Triplemania Bardahl match

The first entrant was Myztziz Jr. who came out to the ring his new born baby. The second entrant was Carta Brava Jr. who came out with a mask paying tribute to Brazo de Plata. 

The third entrant was Aramis and the fourth was Tito Santana. The fifth and sixth entrants were Drago and Niño Hamburgesa, but no one was elminated so far. La Parka appeared out of nowhere to attack Drago and were able to elimatinate him. 

Aramis for some reason jumped from the top rope and eliminated himself, a BotchaMania moment. In one of the best spots of the match was when Pimpinela tried to kiss Mr. iguana, but Mr. Iguana was able to used his stuffed Iguana to prevent that from happening, but Pimpinela was still able to kidd Mr. Iguana on his second attempt. 

Octagon Jr. instead of entering the ring, he decided to hangout with the commentators for a while.El Villano III Jr. noticed him and challenged him to enter the ring. 

Pimpinela and Mamba eliminated each other and a blattle at ringside took place for no reason at all. The last two wrestlers were Carta Brava and Mr Iguana and at the end, Iguana was able to prevail. 

Winner: Mr. Iguana. 

After the match, La Nueva Generacion Dinamita made their AAA debut and destroyed Mr. Iguana and any wrestler that came to the ring. NGD cut promos burying modern day lucha libre and AAA. El Poder del Norte appeared to confront NGD, but La Empresa came out and helped NGD destroy Poder del Norte. Dark days are to come for AAA. 

AAA Reina de Reinas champion Faby Apache (Lady Shani) vs. IMPACT Knockouts Champion Deonna Purrazzo (w/ Lady Maravilla) in a Champion vs. Champion match

Deonna Purrazzo made an unexpected appearance on the Rey de Reyes show that took place in San Pedro Chula back in May to challenge Faby Apache. At first, Apache was not interested on Purrazzo’s challenge until she put her on an armbar. Purrazzo would later return to AAA for the Verano de Escandalo show for a match with Lady Shani and after winning that match, she confronted Apache once more. This match has the AAA Reina de Reinas and The IMPACT Knockouts titles on the line.

Purrazzo worked as a heel or I should  ruda on this match. Laday Maravilla helped Purrazzo on several ocassions to get an advantage over Apache. Jijo del Tirantes had some questionable actions as a ref, but then again, that’s not new. 

Faby Apache had a nearfall on Deonna Purrazzo thanks to a shining wizard. Purrazzo got a nearfall over Apache after several german suplex and a fast count from Tirantes. Apache was clos eon getting the win, but Tirantes interfered. Deonna Purrazzo won this match by submission thanks to a Fujiwara Armbar. 

Winner: Deonna Purrazzo. 

After the match, Purrazzo and Apache keept fighting. Apache tried to have payback on Hijo del Tirantes, but he escaped. 

Lucha Bros (C) vs. Los Jinetes del Aire (Hijo del Vikingo & Laredo Kid) vs. Taurus & Brian Cage for the AAA World Tag Team Championships

This match doesn’t have a build and it just exists to be a really cool match. Penta and Fenix came out to the ring with their AEW theme that has Alex Abrahantes singing the lyrics. That’s the random trivia portion of this live update. 

Taurus and Cage dominated the first portion of the amtch thanks to their strength. Once Laredo was able to take advantage of his speed, he did a lot of cool things in a matter of seconds. 

Penta and Black Taurus had a stare down to determine who had the better gear. The winner was clearly Penta Joker. Hijo del Vikingo had the most impressive Croyt’s Wrath you’ll ever see when he picked up Black Taurus for it. 

Los Jinetes del Aire had vicotry in their hands when they went for double 450 splashes on Taurus and Fenix, but both were able to kick out. 

I’m gonna be honest, there’s a lot of cool stuff happening and no time to describe it. Vikingo, Fenix and Laredo Kid are just awesome luchadores. Hijo del Vikingo made a shooting star press from the barricade to Brian Cage.

Lucha Bros thanks to a fear factor on Hijo del Vikingo were able to retain  their AAA world tag team championships. 

Winners: Lucha Bros. 

Team AAA (Pagano, Chessman & Murder Clown) vs. Team La Empresa (Puma King, Sam Adonis & DMT Azul)

A match build around the evil invaders (former CMLL luchadores) against the AAA luchadores. It will be interesting to see if Pagano and Chessman will be able to cOeXiSt. Chessman and Pagano have never been able to set aside their difference and this match most likely will not be the exception.

During La Empresa’s entrance, Sam Adonis was taunting the fans and he got slapped in the face. It was pretty funny. 

From the moment this match began, there was a lot of plunder and this should not be surprising considering who is involved in this match. 

After a while of struggle, Team AAA were to take the lead. Pagano used a stappler on this amtch and the crowd love it. Pagano tried to do a brillo dorado, but looked rough. 

Pagano and Chessman couldn’t cOeXisT and La Empresa took advantage of that to win the match. 

Winners: La Empresa. 

After the match, La Empresa attacked Team AAA. After the match, DMT Azul cut a promo similar to the one NGD cut earlier on the show. 

Kenny Omega (C) (w/ Konnan) vs. Andrade El Idolo (w/ Ric Flair) for the AAA Mega Championship

This will be Kenny Omega’s return after last year’s Triplemania where he faced Laredo Kid in an excellent title defense match. This match will also be Andrade’s first match under the AAA banner, before his signing to WWE, he worked for CMLL as La Sombra. The match itself doesn’t have much of a build, but just a few videos here and there.

Andrade and Konnan had a backtage segment. Andrade told Konnan he didn’t want him as his second because he had some else planned. Konnan went to Kenny Omega’s private locker room and talked about a working relationship. 

Andrade El Idolo came out to the ring with Ric Flair as his second for this match, for the shock of everyone, including myself. 

During the match, Kenny Omega mocked Andrade and even did Ric Flair’s taunt. Ric Flair was having a blast at ringside. Omehga and Andrade had an exchange of lock, but thing were equal.

Omega and Andrade had a back and forth of giving each other tijeras. It was awesome. Andrade went for an Asai Moonsault, but Omega countered and threw him off to prevent anything from happening. 

Omega worked Andrade’s neck for a good portion of the match and setting up for the One Winged Angel. Andrade had a great combo of a back breaker and throwing Omega face first into Bret’s rope. 

Andrade had the sickest tornillo you’ll see today, an increible move from Andrade. Andrade had a near after several moonsaults on Kenny, but the current AAA Mega Champion was able to kick out on time.  

Ric Flair got angry at Hijo del Tirantes terrible work as a ref and it was about damn time some got angry at him. Omega and Andrade had an exchange of counters and it was awesome, it’s something you need to watch. 

Ric Flair prevented Omega attack Andrade with the title and both gave Konnan and Omega what they dseserved for being rudos. 

Ric Flair prevented Omega attack Andrade with the title and both gave Konnan and Omega what they dseserved for being rudos. After all the confusion, Omega was able to hit Andrade with the title and used the One Winged Anegel to win an awesome match. 

Winner: Kenny Omega. 

With this win, Kenny Omega comes close to Texano Jr.’s record of the AAA Mega Champion with the most days as champion with 735 days and with Kenny only being 77 days away from breaking the record. Kenny Omega also in the second place as the AAA Mega Champion with most successful title defenses with 5 (Texano Jr. also holds thar record with 9 successful title defenses).

Psycho Clown vs. Rey Escorpion in a Lucha de Apuestas: Mask vs. Hair match

Back in 2013, Rey Escorpion had a hair vs. hair match with the Brazo de Plata (Father of Psycho Clown) for CMLL and Rey Escorpion won that match. A few years later, when Escorpion joined AAA and he immediately started feuding with Psycho Clown and things have escalated to where we are now. Psycho Clown will look to revenge the lose his father suffered a years ago with Escorpion.

On a side note, Psycho Clown’s mask (made by his wife, Zaraida Casas who’s the daughter of Negro Casas) pays tribute to his late father Brazo de Plata. Psycho Clown also wore Super Porky’s jacket for his entrance. 

AAA had a great tribute video of all the luchadores that passed way this year. Even those that didn’t have a relationship with AAA. 

Rey Escorpion interrupted the tribute and attacked Psycho Clown. Clown and Escorpion brawled all over the place, from ringside to the middle of the crowd. 

As expected on this type of match, Rey Escorpion tore Psycho Clown’s mask.The match also featured ringside stuff with the second of each other brawling as well. 

Rey Escorpion hit Clown with a freaking lamp and it exploded. Escorpion proceed to chairshot Clow to the head, but the pin only got to two. Escorpion proceeded to stab Clown on the forehead with a broken bottle. 

Rey Scorpion tried to break another bottle on Clown’s head , but he was able to counter and break the bottle on Escorpion’s head. Clown also proceeded to stab Escorpion in his forehead . 

After killing each other, Clown and Escorpion started to feel the effects of all the blunder they did to each other. Both had a few nearfalls on each other. 

When Psycho Clown was about to win, La Hiedra and El Samoano appeared on Escorpion’s favor. Gpya Kong (Psycho Clown’s sister) betrayed him.  Clown won this match with a roll-up and a low blow. 

Winner: Psycho Clown. 

After the match, Rey Escorpion cut a promo about accepting defeating and asking that his daughter be the one to cut his hair. 

Overall Thoughts 

Triplemania XXIX was fun show. The only negatives of this show were Purrazzo vs. Apache and the amount of overbooking it had. The Copa Triplemania as as caotic as previous years, so that was predictable. 

The main event, The AAA world tag team championship match and the AAA Mega cchampionship match were the highlights of the show. The MOTN depends of your wrestling taste, there’s no wrong answer. 

The debut of NGD was really well done and looked like a big deal tonight. It was nWo-esque and it worked big time. 




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