Photo Credit: TJPNascimento – DeviantArt
Ring of Honor Tag Team Champions The Motor City Machine Guns recently spoke with Scott Fishman of Channel Guide Magazine and below are some interview highlights:
What do you attribute your longevity?
CS: Probably a number of things, being very adaptable in the ring, working hard, enjoying what we do, and making an effort to stay healthy goes a long way as well.
AS: Honestly, I don’t think about it. My “career” in wrestling, as it were, is pretty different than most of my generational peers. This is neither here nor there, but I attribute that aspect of it to doing things on my own terms and pursuing outside the ring interests pretty heavily since approximately 2008. Let me put it this way: you won’t find too many wrestlers who spent as much time on their education WHILE wrestling as yours truly.
What did it mean for you to win the tag team championship after 10 years with each other? Did you do anything to celebrate?
AS: I slept. Honestly, sleep is time that’s never wasted. In terms of winning the ROH tag titles, to me, that’s pretty cool. I’ve never won a title in that company, and the Young Bucks are on top with or without titles. And really, Sabin and I had to work our asses off together the past year in terms of finding our groove as a team again and changing gears to keep up with what ROH presents, if I am being transparent. And really, truly, I love ROH and consider myself very lucky to be contracted there in the first place. To achieve a higher position? Just super blessed, really.
CS: It did mean a lot to me. There’s a history that goes back to 2007 between MCMG and ROH, so it’s been a 10-year journey that has paid off.
You have a big match at Global Wars coming up with these two emerging stars. What can fans expect when you work with them once more against Bullet Club?
AS: Oh dude, come on. You know that answer. A sweet match.
CS: I think the fans expect an amazing, entertaining match and will get an amazing, entertaining match. The Ring of Honor roster strives to give every fan their money’s worth.
Watch the Ring of Honor Global Wars Tour wrap-up on Internet Pay-Per-View 8/7c on October 15
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