The 10th edition of DrupalCamp Poland starts on Wednesday, the 13th of October! For nine years, the conference has been gathering people interested in CMS/CMF Drupal, PHP, and website development. This year, our event will be online for the second time, and it will be free. In this article, we’ll present international speakers and topics that they’ll present during the two-day conference.
What is DrupalCamp?
According to the idea of the Drupal community, DrupalCamp is a two-day event that focuses on this CMS and gathers its users and enthusiasts from a given geographical region. Thanks to this, you can meet developers from a specific city (DrupalCamp NYC) or country (DrupalCamp Costa Rica), share knowledge about Drupal and exchange professional experiences.
The DrupalCamp Poland conference was held for the first time in 2012 and attracted more and more people with each new edition. So far, over 1000 participants have taken part in previous editions, and there were about 200 sessions.
DrupalCamp Poland 2021 – presentation topics
Last year, the first fully remote edition of the event was successfully held. It showed us that participants are eager to explore Drupal-related topics, regardless of the form of the event. What sessions can you join on October 13th and 14th?
A deep dive into GraphQL in Drupal 8 & 9 (ENG)
Do you build websites and want to know how to configure the page layout? Parvateesam Konapala (Technical Architect at MOURI Tech) who will once again lead his session at DrupalCamp Poland, will talk about adding new blocks, managing the display, and replacing content elements. Parvateesam will shed light on the Layout Builder module, thanks to which you can build layout templates and use them to create custom pages.
Drupal Commerce – Overview of the possibilities (ENG)
Drupal Commerce is a great platform for creating personalized ecommerce solutions. Currently, there are over a thousand active modules in this category. The speaker Robert Bodych (PHP Developer at Fabrity) won’t talk about all of them, but he’ll present a few examples, explain promotional systems, as well as the possibilities of extending the functionalities of Drupal Commerce.
The tale of dependency injection in Drupal (ENG)
Dependency injection is a design pattern that has become the primary tool for creating relationships between classes and services since the release of Drupal 8. Grzegorz Pietrzak (Grand Master Drupal Developer from Droptica), will show the history of dependency injection and explain the use of this method in Drupal and Symfony with examples. In addition, he’ll present the most important advantages, but also disadvantages of using it in the project.
Editor UX matters: Gutenberg can help (ENG)
Are you an editor and want to perfect your content? If so, you can’t miss this session. Thor Andre Gretland (Leader of Drupal Norway Association and Chief Commercial Officer at Frontkom), who returns to DrupalCamp Poland as a speaker, together with Drew Gorton (Director of Developer Relations at Pantheon Platform) will talk about the options of Gutenberg, a tool comparable to the previously mentioned Layout Builder. According to the speakers, Gutenberg and Drupal are a killer combination.
Content moderation in Drupal 8 with Workflows and Content Moderation (PL)
Workflows and Content Moderation modules work well in editorial offices and news portals, where a large group of people works on articles. The ability to assign employees to roles such as publisher, editor, or moderator reduces the likelihood of downtime and errors in content creation. Paweł Górski (Grand Master Drupal Developer from Droptica) will present these modules in the context of opportunities to extend Drupal capabilities with content management, revisions, and adding custom statuses.
One Possible Future of Drupal (ENG)
Imagine having a site admin area only when you need to make changes to that site. One of the benefits may be saving space in hosting resources. During his session, Vasyl Yaremchuk (Drupal Developer) will prove that Drupal can be a highly customizable static website building kit. Vasyl will also discuss several architectural solutions that allow you to configure some of the typical website functionalities.
Droopler 3.0 (PL)
Droopler is a Drupal distribution designed for the quick creation of advanced websites. You can get a complete website ready for personalization and management. During his session, Jarosław Bartman (Grand Master Drupal Developer from Droptica) will talk about the possibilities of this tool and present the functions that appeared in the latest release.
Rector – no more legacy code (PL)
In early November 2021, support for Drupal 8 will end. There will be no official updates anymore, and developers of this version will stop working on improving and maintaining the system. During his session, Marek Karmelski (Senior Software Developer at Boozt) will talk about the Drupal Rector module, which will be very helpful at this time, as it will help you upgrade other modules from Drupal 8 to Drupal 9.
Docker on MacOS with the support of a Linux virtual machine (PL)
During DrupalCamp Poland 2021, there will also be time for technological topics, not closely related to Drupal. You’ll be able to learn, for example, about Docker capabilities. It’s an application that allows you to run other applications in the so-called containers. You can locally run e.g. a container with Apache and PHP5 and Apache with PHP7 at the same time. Sometimes, however, when working on a Macbook, you can have a problem: the file system in Docker for Mac is slow. Grzegorz Bartman (CEO Droptica) will present a way to improve Docker performance, based on a Linux virtual machine, along with the advantages of such a solution.
3 ways for sourcing customers with Google (PL)
Piotr Łabno (Co-owner of Famatech) will cover the topic of getting traffic from Google. He’ll present a quick but paid method – advertising on Google. He’ll discuss a dedicated tool and configuration methods. In addition, he’ll talk about a long-term, but free option, which is positioning the website on Google. During the presentation, there will be technical issues related to website optimization, ideas for key phrases, and tips on how to get valuable links. There will also be content marketing – gaining traffic by creating valuable materials.
Tech Leader we need but we don’t deserve (PL)
Mariusz Walczak (Tech Lead at will present the competencies that a good tech lead should have. He’ll also discuss their role in the development team and, based on his experience, he’ll also advise how to deal with a crisis situation.
Join DrupalCamp Poland 2021!
We actively participate in the Drupal community, invest in open source solutions, engage in initiatives supporting new modules, sponsor and organize industry events such as DrupalCamp Poland. Join us at the conference on October 13-14 by downloading your free tickets. You’ll receive a large dose of knowledge and the opportunity to exchange experiences with other participants from different countries.
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