Cameron hits out at Spitzenkandidaten system

The UK’s prime minister switches focus of criticism from Jean-Claude Juncker to the procedure that the European Parliament wants to use to select the next Commission president.


6/13/14, 9:33 AM CET

Updated 1/15/16, 5:36 PM CET

David Cameron, the British prime minister, has switched tactics in his campaign against Jean-Claude Juncker becoming the next president of the European Commission.

In an article prepared for publication today in various newspapers throughout Europe, and available on European Voice here, Cameron makes a detailed criticism of the Spitzenkandidaten system, by which European political parties put forward candidates for the Commission presidency. (Other newspapers carrying Cameron’s piece include Germany’s Süddeutsche Zeitung, France’s Le Monde and the Irish Times.)

The European Council never agreed to the Spitzenkandidaten procedure and should not feel bound by it, he argues. It would be a mistake to establish that procedure, he says, because, he claims, no serving national president or prime minister could put him or herself forward for the post.

Strikingly, Cameron abstains from criticism of Juncker himself. Whereas his previous opposition has included criticism of Juncker as federalist and as representative of past times, his direct criticism of Juncker is muted: he repeatedly observes that Juncker’s name was not on the ballot-paper in any country in the European Parliament elections and that no one voted for him.

He complains that to follow the Spitzenkandidaten procedure would be to “shift power from the national governments to the European Parliament without voters’ approval”.

He urges his fellow members of the European Council to resist a back room deal by members of the European Parliament.
“Now is the time for Europe’s national leaders to have the courage of their convictions by standing up for their place in the EU and what is right for Europe’s future.”

Tim King 



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