Trentino is the biggest favorite of Champions League Final Four in Lodz. Leandro Vissotto is one of the key players of his team and he wants to win this competition.



Trento won World Club Championships, Italian Cup. The goal of team is to capture Champions League again?
Yes, we always get in a game to win and the Champions league is a very important competition.
Last year you won Champions League for the first time. Do you thing it will be harder to win it this year?
Every final is difficult especially when the second team is playing well. We have the pressure to show if we really are a good team.
In semifinal you meet Bled. How big is your respect to them?
The same like with any other opponent. Everyone that arrive in Final Four is there because they deserve it.
If you could choose your final opponent who would it be and why?
The Polish team because the final is there. It would be exciting and amazing for the Polish fans and for the players.
Why is Trento better than the other teams?
Because until now we have won everything, we will be continuously the best until we lose.



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