— After Thursday’s ROH “Global Wars” show in Buffalo, the Young Bucks (along with Kenny Omega) got on the mic and cut a promo, taking not-so-subtle shots at WWE.

— The tag team first referenced recently fired WWE writer Jimmy Jacobs before speaking of their much talked “invasion” of Raw as well as receiving “cease and desist” letters from WWE. Matt Jackson stated that he loves ROH because he can “say whatever the hell I want and I’m not going to get a damn cease and desist letter” and that he has the “freedom” to take a selfie with whomever he wants. Nick Jackson then took a shot at WWE having a live Raw on Christmas Day by saying they will see their family on Christmas.

— Matt then incited the audience by saying that a billion dollar company can take away their hand gestures but that it is only taking it away from the fans and then he urged everyone in the stands to say “too sweet” and “put those damn hands in the air” on the count of three.

— Kenny Omega then chipped in with: “You can take away our last names. You can take away our hand symbols. But you can’t take our freedom.”

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