— TNA recently sent Konnan a letter saying he had been suspended for no-showing TV. Even after he quit. There is some talk that the company may file suit against him, but others have advised against it because of the feeling that with Konnan, the case could get “really dirty.”
— Bound for Glory will take place on October 16th from Atlanta, GA at the Gwinnett Civic Center. The idea for several months was to run this show in Chicago, but then they moved it after WWE announced they were running in that area close to that date. Gwinnett seats 13,000, so the idea is to plan on tarping half the building off, but hope that they can sell more tickets and open it up more. It is believed the main event will probably be Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Jarrett for the TNA Title.
— Jimmy Hart, who almost never says anything negative about anybody in wrestling, lashed out again the Pacman Jones to TNA deal. Hart said, “Pacman Jones?! Are you freakin’ kidding me? Oh, my. It’s over [for TNA]. Not Pacman Jones! They’re desperate, man. They’ve lost their minds. After what’s happened to Vince [McMahon] and stuff — Why?”
— Scott Steiner, pretty much against doctor’s orders, is already back working a pretty full schedule, and the Steiners vs. Team 3-D match will be taking place at the August PPV in less than two weeks.
TNA considering bringing back Sabu?! (>>)
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