Stephanie McMahon recently spoke with Rebecca Stewart from The Drum, where she spoke about her evolving role, whether or not WWE’s Mixed Match Challenge was a success, and her notion about putting the fans first.
On WWE’s Mixed Match Challenge on Facebook Watch…
“It had over 100 million views and it was considered a success by Facebook, we’re now in conversations to see where we go from here, but we’re nimble and flexible,”
On her role as head writer evolved over time…
“During that time the role really evolved because the platforms changed in terms of what we could write for, we had not only television and pay-per-view but we also had our publications business at that time. Then came social – YouTube, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat, and we launched WWE Network,”
On how they’re different and should be treated as such…
“We’re consistently the top one and two show on USA network NBC Universal platform,” said McMahon. “We deliver like sport live from a gross rating standpoint but we also are entertainment so we’re really the best of both.”
On putting fans first…
“You don’t have a business without them, and when you create something together with your audiences that’s when it’s at its best because they’re personally invested in making it succeed.”
You can read the full article HERE.
The Drum
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